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Slim Yoga

220 港元
Afresh Yoga Kwun Tong


修身瑜伽以拜日式做熱身,練習式子過程要求呼吸帶動身體新陳代謝的循環,節奏流暢的拜日式熱身助你排毒。修身瑜伽亦主要訓練身體核心肌群,強調收緊肌肉,配合呼吸及式子練習,塑造線條、達到修身效果。 Slim Yoga is warm up by a part of Sun Salutation. It contains a series of 12 postures performed in a single, graceful flow. Each movement needs to coordinate with the breath, and then drive the circulation of the body’s metabolism and further help for detoxifying. The Sun Salutation emphasizes increasing the body’s flexibility, building the strength of core muscles and tightening the muscles in order to shape the body and achieve the slimming effect.



  • King Palace Plaza, King Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong

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